Think Netflix Doesn’t Want Your 2022 Money? WRONG!

Think Netflix Doesn’t Want Your 2022 Money? WRONG!

Netflix wants your money in 2022. Disney+, HBO Max, Paramount Plus, Apple TV, Amazon Prime and a whole host of other services want a piece of that Netflix pie, but Netflix has other ideas.

This 2022 Movie Preview is chock full of big Hollywood talent, ready to tell you that Netflix is where it’s at. Names like Ryan Gosling, Charlize Theron, Jamie Foxx, Ryan Reynolds, Halle Berry, Daniel Craig, Mark Wahlberg, Jessica Chastain and more, and more, and even more.

With subscription services all duking it out for your dosh, and dishing out some top level entertainment, the choice is getting tougher and tougher.

For me personally, I’m most excited for Knives Out 2 – I loved the first one so much, review here. Here’s the video, tell us what you think.

Netflix 2022 Movie Preview Trailer
