Metro: Last Light
What is it? Metro: Last Light is a first person action/stealth/survival shooter that is the sequel to 2010’s Metro 2033 and is based on the novels by Dmitry Glukhovsky that take us into the world of a post-apocalyptic Moscow that has seen the fallout of nuclear war force all survivors to take refuge in the Metro systems below the city. The young protagonist Artyom has had new information lead him to pursue what could be the key to humanity’s survival.
Whether sneaking about or engaging enemy soldiers in a firefight, the controls feel solid and gameplay is spiced up with some fun mechanics and genuinely hairy experiences like having to manually wipe your gas mask visor clean when there’s an 8-foot tall monster trying to have your throat for lunch.
Despite its setting, Last Light is stunning to look at regardless of platform thanks to some magnificent art direction, and while the haunting Chernobyl-like locations may not be very colourful, the characters you meet and their underground settlements sure are.
The combination of engaging gameplay, novel-powered story and an atmosphere that has the game’s feel wondering into Half-Life territory more than once makes the 10-11 hour campaign engrossing as well as rewarding.