X-Men: Days of Future Past
Story 4
Performances 4
Production 4
Experience 4
Summary 4.0 Must-have
Story 5
Performances 4
Production 5
Experience 5
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Summary 4.8 Must-have

X-Men: Days of Future Past

What is it? A coming together of the past and present X-Men cast that whirls you through a time traveling adventure that sees Wolverine travel back in time to convince the younger versions of Professor X and Magneto to work together… or face a doomed future.

Brian Singer (X1/X2) returns to direct the X-Men in a film that both ties up the previous movies, while also paving the way for a semi-reboot concept that lets the filmmakers take it wherever they want. Straight up, this could very easily be considered the best X-Men film made thus far, especially with its ability to go over the top with full-blown comic book fun and yet somehow still keep a depth and tone that feels mature enough to take itself seriously. Don’t think that X:DOFP perfectly answers every question perfectly though, as there are still serious plot holes and contradictions to earlier films everywhere.

That said, X-Men: Days of Future Past is as entertaining as they come, full of great actors, full of amazing action-packed super-powered scenes and most of all, able to buy all of us a slate on which to build a new direction for more films.

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Peter Dinklage, Ellen Page, Halle Berry

Director: Brian Singer      |      Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
