Is The Division Going To Be A Flop?

Is The Division Going To Be A Flop?

When Destiny Calls

I think back to the release of Destiny. Now… I don’t want to knock Destiny because I’m not one of those guys that thinks it was a huge pile of overhyped under-delivered space trash but that said, it was still a different game to what I expected. From the early videos and presentations, I thought Destiny was going to be a huge open world that would result in lots of “I wonder what’s around that corner over there” exploration with friends, and a dynamic event system akin to something like Guild Wars 2. Now when it comes to The Division, I feel the same again. It looks like something I can play with friends, and we can join up and head off into the city, exploring buildings, fighting enemies, looting areas and moving on. I want to have evenings spent just going somewhere new, working our way through interiors like in that first gameplay demo we saw and enjoying all the cool goodies the game has to offer. I really want that, I really want that all to happen.

It actually makes me happy that the game was delayed into next year because I think they know that it’s going to need to be firing on all cylinders to win us over. At the rAge 2015 expo, I was told by one of the local distributors who were hosting some of The Division’s developers that they can really see that these folks are paying a lot of attention to what people are saying, listening to what people want… and that gives me some hope.


No Cop Outs

After playing the beta, I feel like Rainbox Six: Siege is going to be DOA, and in Tom Clancy department they are going to need a win, and The Division will need to be that win. So is The Division going to flop? It’s tough to say but I also don’t want to flakeĀ out of my own question in the headline (I hate it when writers do that), so I’m going to take a stab at answering it.

My official answer is no. It won’t be a flop. If everything goes on track, and they release a decently functional product, meaning no major server issues and bugs at launch *coughassassinscreedunity*, excuse me, then I think the game will draw in decent launch sales and a moderately big player base.

If they nail everything, they could have a real winner on their hands, a sort of happy place between Destiny, Borderlands and military shooters. I hope that’s the case, it’ll be a win for all of us. Let’s just not Watch Dogs this puppy, ok Ubisoft?

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